Featured Artist in January 2005
Walking with Mother

4 3/4" tall by 6" wide

I found this vintage frame while wandering through some of the charming little towns in Michigan, then for a year, I agonized over something appropriate to go with the pink tones and peeling paint. I found myself inspired by Jacob Maentel because of his soft colors and the way he captures family characters in rural settings. His people always appear pleasant and exhibit good posture, proud but not haughty. I am drawn to artists whose work tells a story, note the protective manner of the mother as she interacts with her children. Also I admire the tasteful attire of the three and the precise detail of their dress. While Maentel used watercolor, pen and pencil for his portraits, I continue to use oils that are thinned to give the effect, also I do a lot of sketching using my brush and umber oil paint.


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